How To Use Your Twitter Account To Make Money Directly Into Your Bank Account

This article explains how to make money through your twitter account into your bank account. I will teach you how you can work with Addynamo. What is addynamo? Ad Dynamo is Africas leading digital advertising platform, providing access to a global online and mobile ad network.

I will reveal how you can work with them without owning a blog or website. Most of the so called 'online business gurus' will never reveal this secret to you ever. Okay, here goes.

There are lots of Big companies out there that advertise with Addynamo and they need People like you to promote their products and services on social media websites such as Twitter. This whole process is not like Affiliate marketing where you need to be promoting your affiliate link to generate sales. This process is very easy because what the company wants is just for you to tweet about their product/service on Twitter. Thus, you're advertising the companies product/service to your followers. These companies know that a large audience exist on Twitter and since twitter doesn't support direct advertising like Facebook, the companies would have to advertise their product/services through individuals with a large followers base. Addynamo is just like the agency connecting you the publisher to the Advertiser.
The truth about this sponsored tweet business is that you need to have a lot of twitter followers to get campaigns from Advertisers. You must have at least 500 followers before you can start this.

Don't worry I'll reveal one of the secrets sites you can use to grow your followers. I have many of these websites.

Signup for a Twitter account If you already have a one, No need to register again.

If you don't have a large followers base, signup here to grow your twitter followers.
It works in a way..whereby you follows people and people will follow you back. Keep following people and they will keep following you.

Once you have 500 followers or more, it depends on what you want. Quickly rush to and signup as a "Publisher". When signing up with Addynamo, you will be asked how you want to be paid. Click on direct bank transfer. Don't click on Paypal or Addynamo debit card.

With bank transfer you will be receiving your earnings month end in your Nigeria bank account.

Log into your addynamo Dashboard, go to My Account / Twitter to link your Twitter account to Addynamo.

Whenever you receive email notification that a new campaign is waiting for your tweet, log in to your Addynamo account, draft a tweet, enter how much you want to charge for the tweet and pray the advertiser approves it. But, I need to lay an emphasy here, make sure you don't charge more than $7 per tweet. The reason is that, if you charge to much, the advertiser might not approve your tweet.

Well, if the advertiser rejects your tweet after comparing the amount you charged to the number of your Twitter followers, you will not make any money and the tweet will not appear on your Twitter timeline. So, just know that the number of your Twitter followers and the amount you charge per tweet matters a lot.

Some stingy advertisers will sometime offer you little peanuts like 0.5 dollars per tweet. Decline it immediately.

At least for a start, 5-7 dollars is meaningful from one Advertiser. If you get 5 campaigns daily from different advertisers at 5 dollar per campaign at least your earnings will be $25 dollars or more daily. It grows as your follower grows.

Go now and start earning..

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