The Android phone that you are using is running an operating system that was designed for commercial and private use. Like most any operating system, several features have been disabled, either for future use or to prevent the casual user from causing permanent damage to the operating system. Smartphone have different operating systems and different name for each process used to gain access to the phone's full functions. For example, Nokia Symbian is called hacking, Apple iOS is called jailbreaking, and for Android which is our main focus is called ROOTING. we are going to be talking about Android rooting; what is rooting?, advantage and disadvantage of rooting,etc. Rooting" is the process in which the limitations are removed and full-access is allowed. Rooting your Android device involves adding in a small Linux application called “SU”. It stands for SuperUser , and allows applications and commands to run with elevated permissions. Once rooted, the Android phone owner will...